Posts Tagged ‘Satsang’

April 2024 Three-Week Program

Written by admin. Posted in Programs

Don’t Believe Anything for Love!

— Peace and Love are Already, Always Here —

Sundays: April 7, 14 and 21, 2024

10 am until 1 pm Mountain Standard Time

Peace is our true Nature and yet, moment-by-moment we experience a variety of happenings — inner and outer events — that potentially take our attention away from the ever present Peace.

These arisings and our identification with mind/ ego / I create an illusion of multitute and separation. We experience many objects and events and as our attention identifies with that we lose sight of the underlying spaciousness or substratum.

In Reality there is a continuing, unbroken peaceful spaciousness that is the backdrop of everything that arises and the only constant, unaffected by the arising experience.

Our habit of identification often prevents us from fully knowing this simple truth — Emptiness can’t be broken, nothing ever happens in Presence, and no matter what Peace and Love are already always here.

In this 3-week intensive, I want to keep bringing our attention to this underlying Truth of “Nothing Ever Happens”; keep addressing the capacity of our Nervous systems to Be Here; and want to keep identifying and addressing tendencies that make us believe that we need to “do“ or “be” a certain way for Peace and Love.

As we live in a body and in the World we may be subconsciously and consciously believing that we need to be doing something for Peace and Love.

Love, like Emptiness, is the expression and an aspect of our true Nature and in reality we don’t need to “do”, “be” in any particular way or believe anything for Love.

I am very much looking forward to our time together in this upcoming 3-week intensive.

With Love, Neelam

Areas of Interest:**

  • Emptiness and Love 
  • What is Samadhi and the different kinds of Samadhi
  • True meaning of “Nothing Ever Happens”
  • What do we believe we need to do for Emptiness and Love
  • Capacity of the Nervous System to be here 
  • Removing Obstacles to Awakening
  • Everything is a projection of our mind
  • Realizing the true nature “I”
  • The true measure of spiritual “progress” and Surrender 
  • Who am I?

**Topics that Neelam may address in this program. Topics are dependent on the flow of the program and interest from the students.

Homework: 1 page max send confidentially to

1.What is your understanding and experience of “nothing ever happens”?

2. In your life what do you believe that you need to do for Peace and Love?

About Pricing:
We have a variety of Price Points based on a Sliding Scale. Please contact the office if you have any financial considerations. We would love to have you join the program and are open to many financial arrangements.

Three-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate for 3 Week Program: Free for Week 1 and $85 for Weeks 2 and 3.

Two-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate for Two Week Program: $78

Benefits of Programs:

  • Developing a stronger reliance on Presence
  • Breaking the illusion of Separation 
  • Ability to recognize the difference between past and Present 
  • Learning practical information about the nervous system and brain and how to grow the Capacity of the Nervous System to Be Here
  • Understanding what Embodiment is and learning how to embody challenging and expanded states like fear anger and love
  • Learning practical information about being in the world and being relational

 Students sitting with Neelam often experience:

  • A greater capacity in the nervous system to be here and experience the arising past (less fight-or-flight, or overwhelm-collapse)
  • Improved ability to notice tendencies shaped by past experiences and break free from habitual, self-defeating patterns
  • Awakening (i.e. permanent shift to knowing oneself as Presence)
  • Increased ability to navigate life’s ups and downs, feel more at peace and enjoy life more

Students receive support through:

  • Recordings of all sessions
  • Detailed notes of all sessions
  • Reminder emails
  • Contact for questions and support via email, with replies directly from Neelam

March 2024 Three-Week Program

Written by admin. Posted in Programs

Realizing the True Nature of “I”- How to Awaken and Transcend Suffering in Today’s World

March 3, 10 and 17, 2024

10 am until 1 pm Mountain

When we look closer at the experience of “I” we realize that the “I” thought comes with many related thoughts and with a sensory experience that we accept as true.

We don’t question or investigate our reliance on the sense of “I” as it seems to be permanent, habitual, and very common.

Living in the World can reinforce our identification with the sense of “I” and especially in times of uncertainty and challenge that are so often common in life and especially in Today’s World.

What we don’t realize is that it is the very identification with the sense of “I” that is the cause of us experiencing Separation and Suffering.

The True Nature of “I” is Emptiness and Love that lie beyond this identification.

Once we can truly “see” and realize the true nature of “I”, we can move beyond this in our  moment-by-moment experience.

We can also learn to realize the reality or honesty of our experience. This, in turn, brings us closer to living and expressing our True Nature in all our actions, personal interactions, and in the World.

Nervous System triggers and the lack of our Nervous Systems capacity to Be Here often prevents us from successful Inquiry. We can deepen our understanding and experience of the Nervous System and grow our ability to recognize and address triggers that inevitably arise here.

In this 3-week intensive we will be looking at addressing triggers and growing capacity in the Nervous System to Be Here and at all the manifestation of “I” that can lead us to believe that the “I” is solid and real and we will investigate the “I”’s True Nature directly.

I am very much looking forward to our time together. 

With Love, Neelam

Areas of Interest**:

  • -What is “I”?
  • -Inquiry into the nature of “I”
  • -The habit of identification
  • -Nervous System, Brain & triggers
  • -“How to” identify and sit with triggers
  • -True needs versus Ego needs
  • -Honesty of our moment-by-moment experience
  • -Going beyond the “I”
  • -“My Will” versus “Thy Will” or “Universal will”
  • -How to keep investigating the nature of “I” moment-by-moment
  • -Habits that strengthen our identification
  • -Habits that lessen our identification
  • -Inquiry and “who am I Inquiry”

**Topics that Neelam may address in this program. Topics are dependent on the flow of the program and interest from the students.

Homework 1 page max send confidentially to

  1. What is your experience of “I” and are you aware how the identification with “I” causes Suffering?
  2. What situations/ events are most likely to trigger your Nervous System and how do you address that?

About Pricing:
We have a variety of Price Points based on a Sliding Scale. Please contact the office if you have any financial considerations. We would love to have you join the program and are open to many financial arrangements.

Three-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate for 3 Week Program: Free for Week 1 and $85 for Weeks 2 and 3.

Two-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate for Two Week Program: $78

Benefits of Programs:

  • Developing a stronger reliance on Presence
  • Breaking the illusion of Separation 
  • Ability to recognize the difference between past and Present 
  • Learning practical information about the nervous system and brain and how to grow the Capacity of the Nervous System to Be Here
  • Understanding what Embodiment is and learning how to embody challenging and expanded states like fear anger and love
  • Learning practical information about being in the world and being relational

 Students sitting with Neelam often experience:

  • A greater capacity in the nervous system to be here and experience the arising past (less fight-or-flight, or overwhelm-collapse)
  • Improved ability to notice tendencies shaped by past experiences and break free from habitual, self-defeating patterns
  • Awakening (i.e. permanent shift to knowing oneself as Presence)
  • Increased ability to navigate life’s ups and downs, feel more at peace and enjoy life more

Students receive support through:

  • Recordings of all sessions
  • Detailed notes of all sessions
  • Reminder emails
  • Contact for questions and support via email, with replies directly from Neelam

January 2024 Three-Week Program

Written by admin. Posted in Programs

Fire Within — How to Make Presence a Priority in Today’s World

January 14, 21 and 28, 2024

10 am until 1 pm Mountain

There is a Fire that always burns Within your Heart, a Fire that is our True Nature …It is a Fire that does not burn the physical form and yet it burns through Illusions to reveal Our own magnificent Nature…that Fire is always Here and our devotion to it takes us to Awakening and Freedom. 

Living in Today’s World our attention can easily move with the challenges that arise — both individually and collectively — and there are many!

How can we make Presence a priority? How can we recognize and cut through the patterns of the mind?

In this 3-week intensive I will be speaking more about Fire Within — the true meaning of it and about the meaning of Devotion to it and of how addressing the Nervous System and brain is part of Devotion as well.

I want us to strengthen practically giving it our attention regardless of — or maybe because of — all that is happening in our lives and in the World.

I also want to speak about an aspect of being in the World as

Being in the World means being Relational. 

Be it at home; with family and friends; at work; or at any other time, becoming present and conscious of the way that we relate and where we come from relationally strengthens our Abidance in Presence.

Let’s keep making Presence a priority in all aspects of Life!

I am very much looking forward to our time together.

With Love, Neelam

Areas of Interest**:

  • Fire Within
  • Devotion and How Fire Within burns through the Illusion of the Mind
  • Practice and Inquiry 
  • How to make Presence a priority in Today’s World 
  • How addressing of the Nervous System and Brain strengthens our Devotion to Presence
  • Being in the World means being Relational 
  • Conscious relating as an extension of Presence
  • How Patterns of the Past that come up Relationally are an amazing opportunity for Freedom

**Topics that Neelam may address in this program. Topics are dependent on the flow of the program and interest from the students.

Homework 1 page max send confidentially to

1. How does Devotion to Truth express itself in your life and practice? 
2. What relational pattern/ patterns stop you from fully resting in and trusting Presence?

About Pricing:
We have a variety of Price Points based on a Sliding Scale. Please contact the office if you have any financial considerations. We would love to have you join the program and are open to many financial arrangements.

Three-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate for 3 Week Program: Free for Week 1 and $85 for Weeks 2 and 3.

Two-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate for Two Week Program: $78

Benefits of Programs:

  • Developing a stronger reliance on Presence
  • Breaking the illusion of Separation 
  • Ability to recognize the difference between past and Present 
  • Learning practical information about the nervous system and brain and how to grow the Capacity of the Nervous System to Be Here
  • Understanding what Embodiment is and learning how to embody challenging and expanded states like fear anger and love
  • Learning practical information about being in the world and being relational

 Students sitting with Neelam often experience:

  • A greater capacity in the nervous system to be here and experience the arising past (less fight-or-flight, or overwhelm-collapse)
  • Improved ability to notice tendencies shaped by past experiences and break free from habitual, self-defeating patterns
  • Awakening (i.e. permanent shift to knowing oneself as Presence)
  • Increased ability to navigate life’s ups and downs, feel more at peace and enjoy life more

Students receive support through:

  • Recordings of all sessions
  • Detailed notes of all sessions
  • Reminder emails
  • Contact for questions and support via email, with replies directly from Neelam

December 2023 Three-Week Program

Written by admin. Posted in Programs

Is Everything Ok just the way It Is?

Navigating Today’s World and the Path to Awakening

December 3, 10 and 17, 2023

10 am until 1 pm Mountain

Okayness is such a powerful manifestation and expression of our True Nature. Knowing that in Truth, Everything is Ok just the way it is is the very essence of Awakening. It can also though be the most misunderstood and misinterpreted spiritual statement.

Following up on our deeply impactful exploration of Trust and Surrender, I want to clarify the true meaning of Okayness and experientially dive into its powerful way to cut through the Mind.

This has the power to Awaken and to establish us in the Heart of Presence.

Is Everything Ok just the way it is?

This can be a challenging question in the midst of World events and in the midst of what arises in your life and internally.

I invite you to join me in this 3-week intensive and explore deeply this very powerful Inquiry.

Let’s see how this question can serve you to find Peace in your daily life and quicken your way to Awakening.

I am very much looking forward to our time together.

With Love,

Areas of Interest:

  • Living in Today’s World — what affects our ability to Trust 
  • Past experiences and tendencies connected to our inability to Trust 
  • Innocence of Being 
  • True movement from Presence versus conditioning
  • Conditioning as a strategy to “survive”
  • “Uncoupling” survival instinct from Trust
  • What Is Surrender?
  • The true meaning of Surrender and what it means to Surrender in the midst of life when Past is Present 
  • Our conditioning and past experiences around the meaning of and our ability to Surrender
  • How Surrender and Trust go hand-in-hand in living in Today’s World and for Awakening 

Homework 2 pages max send confidentially to

  1. What Is your understanding and experience of Okayness?
  2. What inner or outer events are most difficult for you to find true Okayness? 

About Pricing:
We have a variety of Price Points based on a Sliding Scale. Please contact the office if you have any financial considerations. We would love to have you join the program and are open to many financial arrangements.

Three-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate for 3 Week Program: Free for Week 1 and $85 for Weeks 2 and 3.

Two-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate for Two Week Program: $78

Benefits of Programs:

  • Developing a stronger reliance on Presence
  • Breaking the illusion of Separation 
  • Ability to recognize the difference between past and Present 
  • Learning practical information about the nervous system and brain and how to grow the Capacity of the Nervous System to Be Here
  • Understanding what Embodiment is and learning how to embody challenging and expanded states like fear anger and love
  • Learning practical information about being in the world and being relational

 Students sitting with Neelam often experience:

  • A greater capacity in the nervous system to be here and experience the arising past (less fight-or-flight, or overwhelm-collapse)
  • Improved ability to notice tendencies shaped by past experiences and break free from habitual, self-defeating patterns
  • Awakening (i.e. permanent shift to knowing oneself as Presence)
  • Increased ability to navigate life’s ups and downs, feel more at peace and enjoy life more

Students receive support through:

  • Recordings of all sessions
  • Detailed notes of all sessions
  • Reminder emails
  • Contact for questions and support via email, with replies directly from Neelam

October 2023 Three-Week Program

Written by admin. Posted in Programs

Join Us November 5 and 12

10 am until 1 pm Mountain

Trust and Surrender may be two of the most important qualities for living in Today’s World and for Awakening yet they may also be the most challenging and the most misunderstood.

In this program we will discover how Trust and Surrender go hand-in-hand in growing our ability to live in Today’s World and for Awakening.

We don’t always realize how our Past experiences — tendencies of the past that I call conditioning — and the current events of our individual and collective lives affect our ability to Trust and understand how to allow ourselves to move into Surrender. 


Have you also ever wondered why your spiritual search is not moving forward or why the practices you have been doing or the teachings that you have followed don’t “stick” or don’t give you the Peace and Freedom that you are really looking for?


A big part of it may be a misunderstanding or lack of the ability to directly experience Presence. Ultimately, we don’t realize EXPERIENTIALLY that what we are looking for is already Here?❤

The other part is how, especially in the midst of the events of life, we rely on the unfinished tendencies of the Past which takes our attention away from Presence.

We need to grow our Discrimination and learn how to be present in the most difficult parts of our experience including all areas related to Trust and Surrender.

Since there is no separation between our “spiritual” and our “human” life and past, Trust and Surrender are the qualities that require an actual experience and with the right “resources” and “information” in our Nervous Systems and brains.

In this program we will look broadly and experientially at issues around Trust and Surrender for Living in the World and for Awakening.

I am very very much looking forward to our time together.


Areas of interest:

  • Living in Today’s World — what affects our ability to Trust 
  • Past experiences and tendencies connected to our inability to Trust 
  • Innocence of Being 
  • True movement from Presence versus conditioning
  • Conditioning as a strategy to “survive”
  • “Uncoupling” survival instinct from Trust
  • What Is Surrender?
  • The true meaning of Surrender and what it means to Surrender in the midst of life when Past is Present 
  • Our conditioning and past experiences around the meaning of and our ability to Surrender
  • How Surrender and Trust go hand-in-hand in living in Today’s World and for Awakening 

Homework 2 pages max send confidentially to

  1. What issues around Trust and Surrender does living in Today’s World bring up for you?
  2. What, in your experience is Surrender in general and in regards to what arises for you in life moment-by-moment?

About Pricing:
We have a variety of Price Points based on a Sliding Scale. Please contact the office if you have any financial considerations. We would love to have you join the program and are open to many financial arrangements.

Three-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate for 3 Week Program: Free for Week 1 and $85 for Weeks 2 and 3.

Two-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate for Two Week Program: $78

Benefits of Programs:

  • Developing a stronger reliance on Presence
  • Breaking the illusion of Separation 
  • Ability to recognize the difference between past and Present 
  • Learning practical information about the nervous system and brain and how to grow the Capacity of the Nervous System to Be Here
  • Understanding what Embodiment is and learning how to embody challenging and expanded states like fear anger and love
  • Learning practical information about being in the world and being relational

 Students sitting with Neelam often experience:

  • A greater capacity in the nervous system to be here and experience the arising past (less fight-or-flight, or overwhelm-collapse)
  • Improved ability to notice tendencies shaped by past experiences and break free from habitual, self-defeating patterns
  • Awakening (i.e. permanent shift to knowing oneself as Presence)
  • Increased ability to navigate life’s ups and downs, feel more at peace and enjoy life more

Students receive support through:

  • Recordings of all sessions
  • Detailed notes of all sessions
  • Reminder emails
  • Contact for questions and support via email, with replies directly from Neelam

September 2023 Three-Week Program

Written by admin. Posted in Programs

**New Students! Join us for Week 1 for Free and Weeks 2 and 3 for Only $85**

10 am until 1 pm Mountain

“Don’t build in the transit lounge” Papaji used to say,
“we are all just passing through to our final destination.… ” 

This means don’t look for Permanence in the passing events of this life?❤

Our focus on this life and on what we experience moment-by-moment can take away from the real and true vision.

The current events of our lives cannot give us the sense of permanence or stability and grounding that we are looking for.

Even though there is the relative importance (and very real in its own way ?) of our moment-by-moment experience and our ability to Be Here, Freedom is Our Final Destination!❤

This is true moment-by-moment in this life and beyond…this is also true before and after Awakening.

We also want to see, understand and remove the impediment of “seeker” and “search”.
For many on the spiritual path unconsciously “seeking” and “search” become the focus and the effort that takes attention away from the Direct Experience of Presence.

This is true for many on the spiritual path which often results in the inability to sustain the effort of “seeking” and results in disappointment and dissatisfaction.

That is even true at times for those of us who know Presence Directly and even after Awakening.

Join me in this upcoming program where we can reaffirm and experience together that Freedom is our Final Destination!

I want to invite you to bring a variety of questions and some topics for sharing and for us to enjoy this opportunity to connect even more. 

With Love,


Areas of Interest:*

  • Direct experience of Presence versus the effort of search
  • Presence and what does Nervous System / brain need to Be Here
  • Capacity of our nervous System to Be Here 
  • Don’t build in the transit lounge!
  • Freedom is our final destination! 
  • Removing the impediment of “seeker”, “search” and “I” 
  • What we really want is to Be Here❤
  • Direct experience of Presence and who am “I”
  • Your questions and sharing on a variety of topics….??

*Topics that Neelam may address in this program. Topics are dependent on the flow of the program and interest from the students.

Homework 2 pages max confidentially send to 

  1. When does “seeking “and “seeker” arise in your  experience …please describe the  “how” and the circumstances of that. 
  2. Why are you here?….( right now, in this moment, in this life….) ask yourself and honestly see what arises. 

About Pricing:
We have a variety of Price Points based on a Sliding Scale. Please contact the office if you have any financial considerations. We would love to have you join the program and are open to many financial arrangements.

Three-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate for 3 Week Program: Free for Week 1 and $85 for Weeks 2 and 3.

Two-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate for Two Week Program: $78

Benefits of Programs:

  • Developing a stronger reliance on Presence
  • Breaking the illusion of Separation 
  • Ability to recognize the difference between past and Present 
  • Learning practical information about the nervous system and brain and how to grow the Capacity of the Nervous System to Be Here
  • Understanding what Embodiment is and learning how to embody challenging and expanded states like fear anger and love
  • Learning practical information about being in the world and being relational

 Students sitting with Neelam often experience:

  • A greater capacity in the nervous system to be here and experience the arising past (less fight-or-flight, or overwhelm-collapse)
  • Improved ability to notice tendencies shaped by past experiences and break free from habitual, self-defeating patterns
  • Awakening (i.e. permanent shift to knowing oneself as Presence)
  • Increased ability to navigate life’s ups and downs, feel more at peace and enjoy life more

Students receive support through:

  • Recordings of all sessions
  • Detailed notes of all sessions
  • Reminder emails
  • Contact for questions and support via email, with replies directly from Neelam

August 2023 Three-Week Program

Written by admin. Posted in Programs

A special series of programs focused on addressing

our most familiar patterns.

Patterns that we mistake for who we are!

New Students! Join us for Weeks 2 and 3 for Only $85

We’d Love to Have You Join Us for Weeks 2 and 3

Week 1: Sunday, August 13 | Week 2: Sunday, August 20 | Week 3: Sunday, August 27

(10 a – 1 p Mountain Time)

This 3-week program is an invitation to Freedom❤ and a continuation of our “For Freedom, Don’t Believe Anything” theme ?❤

I want us to both deepen our Inquiry into Presence, our True Nature, and to clarify more in depth the common misunderstanding between the Absolute knowing that all there is is Presence and the Relative knowing of what is Present and needed in our moment-by-moment experience.

In short, ?I want to clarify the meaning of Embodiment and of How to Be Here when we are acting / interacting in the World. 

Most of all I want to invite you more profoundly into the realization that there truly is no separation and to let that realization penetrate even more deeply your moment-by-moment experience and the wholeness of your life. 

I am very much looking forward to our time together.

With Love,


Areas of Interest:*

  • What we really want is to Be Here 
  • Everything arises in Presence & what is “Love of Truth” in the moment? 
  • There is no Separation 
  • Is anybody here?  ??
  • Is anybody doing it?
  • Tenderness as a gateway to Freedom
  • Limitless Presence and the Boundaries of Embodiment ❤
  • Presence and what does Nervous System / brain need to Be Here?
  • Tendencies that are “near and dear” to us that we mistake for Truth or for our True Nature
  • What we really want is to Be Here — how to use this to counteract the tendencies we believe we are ❤

*Topics that Neelam may address in this program. Topics are dependent on the flow of the program and interest from the students.


Please answer these questions before the program starts (1 page maximum) and send confidentially to 

  1. In various situations in life, what response do you choose most often instead of relying on “What I really want is to Be Here”?
  1. What is “Love of Truth” for you and how does it manifest practically in your life?

About Pricing:
We have a variety of Price Points based on a Sliding Scale. Please contact the office if you have any financial considerations. We would love to have you join the program and are open to many financial arrangements.

Three-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate for 3 Week Program: Free for Week 1 and $85 for Weeks 2 and 3.

Two-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate for Two Week Program: $78

Benefits of Programs:

  • Developing a stronger reliance on Presence
  • Breaking the illusion of Separation 
  • Ability to recognize the difference between past and Present 
  • Learning practical information about the nervous system and brain and how to grow the Capacity of the Nervous System to Be Here
  • Understanding what Embodiment is and learning how to embody challenging and expanded states like fear anger and love
  • Learning practical information about being in the world and being relational

 Students sitting with Neelam often experience:

  • A greater capacity in the nervous system to be here and experience the arising past (less fight-or-flight, or overwhelm-collapse)
  • Improved ability to notice tendencies shaped by past experiences and break free from habitual, self-defeating patterns
  • Awakening (i.e. permanent shift to knowing oneself as Presence)
  • Increased ability to navigate life’s ups and downs, feel more at peace and enjoy life more

Students receive support through:

  • Recordings of all sessions
  • Detailed notes of all sessions
  • Reminder emails
  • Contact for questions and support via email, with replies directly from Neelam

July 2023 Two-Week Program

Written by admin. Posted in Programs

A special series of programs focused on addressing

our most familiar patterns.

Patterns that we mistake for who we are!

New Students! Join us for Both Weeks for Only $78

We’d Love to Have You Join Us.

Week 1: Sunday, July 23, 2023 | Week 2: Sunday, July 30, 2023

(10 a – 1 p Mountain Time)

As our Love for Truth and our Desire for Awakening and Freedom keeps growing I want to invite you into a new and deepening focus for our programs this Summer and Fall.

This series of programs will focus on addressing you more individually as we grow in our desire for Truth and Awakening and in our reliance on Presence.

In particular, I would like to bring awareness to and make more visible the tendencies that we believe are “us”, and highlight and explore the true and believed “reasons” behind our reliance on those tendencies/ patterns rather than on Presence.

This brings us both into a deeper reliance on Presence and significantly strengthens our Discrimination. It would also show us the elements necessary for Awakening that need strengthening in your experience!

Areas of Interest for this Series of Programs:*

  • Presence & Awakening
  • Love of Truth & what is Freedom
  • Where YOU are with regards to your Trust of Truth and your Embodiment of Truth (two key elements necessary for Awakening)
  • What stops YOU from Trust
  • What stops YOU from Awakening
  • What areas of YOUR experience/practice need more care and attention right now
  • Tendencies that are “near and dear” to us that we mistake for Truth or for our True Nature
  • What fuels the “reasons” that stop you from Awakening and from following what you know is True
  • Movement from Presence versus movement from the Past

*Topics that Neelam may address in this program. Topics are dependent on the flow of the program and interest from the students.


Please answer these questions before the program starts (1 page maximum) and send confidentially to 

1. What would it mean for you to Awaken?

2. When challenges arise, what are your favorite judgments/ stories that you go into? Describe your top 1-2 judgments /stories.

3. How do you think / describe yourself as a person:  “I am … (good, helpful, difficult, positive, etc.) You can use more than one adjective and please include the positive and negative as well.

About Pricing:
We have a variety of Price Points based on a Sliding Scale. Please contact the office if you have any financial considerations. We would love to have you join the program and are open to many financial arrangements.

Three-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate for 3 Week Program: Free for Week 1 and $85 for Weeks 2 and 3.

Two-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate for Two Week Program: $78

Benefits of Programs:

  • Developing a stronger reliance on Presence
  • Breaking the illusion of Separation 
  • Ability to recognize the difference between past and Present 
  • Learning practical information about the nervous system and brain and how to grow the Capacity of the Nervous System to Be Here
  • Understanding what Embodiment is and learning how to embody challenging and expanded states like fear anger and love
  • Learning practical information about being in the world and being relational

 Students sitting with Neelam often experience:

  • A greater capacity in the nervous system to be here and experience the arising past (less fight-or-flight, or overwhelm-collapse)
  • Improved ability to notice tendencies shaped by past experiences and break free from habitual, self-defeating patterns
  • Awakening (i.e. permanent shift to knowing oneself as Presence)
  • Increased ability to navigate life’s ups and downs, feel more at peace and enjoy life more

Students receive support through:

  • Recordings of all sessions
  • Detailed notes of all sessions
  • Reminder emails
  • Contact for questions and support via email, with replies directly from Neelam

June 2023 Three-Week Program

Written by admin. Posted in Programs

Photograph by JS

For Freedom — Don’t Believe Anything!

A Special Series…

— beginning in June, continuing through Fall —

of programs focused on addressing the most familiar tendencies

that we mistake for who we are!

We’d Love to Have You Join Us.

Week 2 is Sunday, June 18. Week 3 is Sunday, June 25

New Student Discount: Weeks 2 and 3 for only $85

Week 1: Sunday, June 11, 2023 | Week 2: Sunday, June 18, 2023

(10 a – 1 p Mountain Time)

Week 3: Sunday, June 25, 2023

(10 a – 2 p Mountain Time)

As our Love for Truth and our Desire for Awakening and Freedom keeps growing I want to invite you into a new and deepening focus for our programs this Summer and Fall.

This series of programs will focus on addressing you more individually as we grow in our desire for Truth and Awakening and in our reliance on Presence.

In particular I would like to bring awareness to and make more visible the tendencies that we believe are “us”, and highlight and explore the true and believed “reasons” behind our reliance on those tendencies/ patterns rather than on Presence.

This brings us both into a deeper reliance on Presence and significantly strengthens our Discrimination. It would also show us the elements necessary for Awakening that need strengthening in your experience!

Areas of Interest for this Series of Programs:*

  • Presence & Awakening
  • Love of Truth & what is Freedom
  • Where YOU are with regards to your Trust of Truth and your Embodiment of Truth (two key elements necessary for Awakening)
  • What stops YOU from Trust
  • What stops YOU from Awakening
  • What areas of YOUR experience/practice need more care and attention right now
  • Tendencies that are “near and dear” to us that we mistake for Truth or for our True Nature
  • What fuels the “reasons” that stop you from Awakening and from following what you know is True
  • Movement from Presence versus movement from the Past

*Topics that Neelam may address in this program. Topics are dependent on the flow of the program and interest from the students.


Please answer these questions before the program starts (1 page maximum) and send confidentially to 

  1. How do you experience the difference between movement from Presence and movement from the Past?
  2. What fuels the “reasons” that stop you from Trust and from following what is True?

About Pricing:
We have a variety of Price Points based on a Sliding Scale. Please contact the office if you have any financial considerations. We would love to have you join the program and are open to many financial arrangements.

Three-Week Program Sliding Scale: $285-$125

Special First Time Student Rate: Free for Week 1 and $85 for Weeks 2 and 3

Benefits of Programs:

  • Developing a stronger reliance on Presence
  • Breaking the illusion of Separation 
  • Ability to recognize the difference between past and Present 
  • Learning practical information about the nervous system and brain and how to grow the Capacity of the Nervous System to Be Here
  • Understanding what Embodiment is and learning how to embody challenging and expanded states like fear anger and love
  • Learning practical information about being in the world and being relational

 Students sitting with Neelam often experience:

  • A greater capacity in the nervous system to be here and experience the arising past (less fight-or-flight, or overwhelm-collapse)
  • Improved ability to notice tendencies shaped by past experiences and break free from habitual, self-defeating patterns
  • Awakening (i.e. permanent shift to knowing oneself as Presence)
  • Increased ability to navigate life’s ups and downs, feel more at peace and enjoy life more

Students receive support through:

  • Recordings of all sessions
  • Detailed notes of all sessions
  • Reminder emails
  • Contact for questions and support via email, with replies directly from Neelam

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copyright © 2021-2022 Neelam - Fire of Truth Satsanga
Our mission: To support the awakening of the individual consciousness into the Oneness of Being.