Video: Awakening and Embodiment — Question and Answer from Neelam

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Awakening and Embodiment — Neelam answers a question from a student.

Q: Is Embodiment a path to Awakening?

A: This is an excellent inquiry and Neelam would not phrase it like this because:

Awakening is a movement away from identifying oneself as any thing. And this includes identifying oneself as this body.

In the process that leads to Awakening, our attention moves more and more and more inward away from the identification, away from the gross perceptions in which we perceive our world as solid objects which includes our body.

We are not any of the objects that arise Here including our body.

Who we are is beyond everything we think, we believe or experience.

Neelam explains her definition of Embodiment as a Congruence between what we know in moments of Silence — that Everything is Ok just the way it is — and what we know when patterns of the Past arise…when everything tells that nothing is ok. Inquiry into these Patterns of the Past, into these beliefs is a very powerful way to Embody what we know is true, to know again the Okayness of Everything as is and it is a powerful way to come back to Presence.

Embodied Presence shows up very differently in our interactions in relationships, at work and in general in the World.

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