Live Worldwide Tele-Satsang

Sunday | Nov 25th | 10am-1pm MT

Growing the Capacity of the Nervous System for Awakening Embodiment and Freedom


The capacity of the nervous system to Be Here is an essential element for Awakening, Embodiment, and for Freedom.

In our search for Truth the workings of the nervous system often remain hidden and we don’t always fully understand or know experientially what capacity is and what Being Here really means or is.

When unmet, unexperienced tendencies of the Past arise – and we so often believe it or identify ourselves with that – that shows up as thoughts and as feelings, emotions and sensations and it affects and manifests in our physiology.

If there is no awareness of that and no capacity to Be Here our nervous system reacts and moves into fight | flight | freeze or overwhelm and we end up re-enacting or suppressing and so perpetuating the Past.

The capacity of our nervous system to Be Here and experience the arising past is often the missing link between our desire for Truth and Freedom and our ability to independently experience Presence and Self-Inquiry, which is what takes us directly into Awakening, Embodiment and Freedom.

Neelam is a direct disciple of HWL Poonja (affectionately known as Papaji), whose own teacher was Ramana Maharishi. Neelam’s unequivocal commitment to Truth helps us turn inward and release underlying patterns of conditioning which block the recognition of our True Nature. With the utmost tenderness, she invites us into the same recognition of Truth that her teacher, Papaji, transmitted to her, while helping us to address all aspects of daily living, including past conditioning and trauma.

“Awakening is a shift from identifying yourself as this body to knowing yourself as Presence. Freedom means a true independence from the past, where our ability to Be Here and the action in the moment are not guided by our attachment to the arising past. To truly be Free we need to embody our recognition of Presence, and that requires growing of the capacity of our nervous system to Be Here. It is in the meeting of what arises that we find true and lasting freedom.”

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Our mission: To support the awakening of the individual consciousness into the Oneness of Being.