Love is Action
How You Make a Difference
What Your
Donations Support
Neelam Fire of Truth Satsanga is a small 501(c)3 non-profit and your donations support programs, private sessions, YouTube videos, this new website, and many of our special projects. FoTS has no middle layers ensuring that all
your donations go to direct and good use.
Below are a few of the main areas that your generous donations support.

Reduced Cost
Your support helps Neelam and FoTS provide free and reduced registration fees for students from all over the world in need of financial support.
Reduced Cost
Private Sessions
Your support helps Neelam and FoTS provide free and reduced cost private sessions for students all over the world in need of financial support.
FoTS Office
Although our volunteers help a lot, a minimum amount of paid office support is essential for maintaining websites, promoting programs, supporting student requests and more.
Future Generations
Special Projects
Special Projects like a new website, marketing/branding research, social media education
You help Us
Reach Worldwide
We are so happy to share that Neelam and FoTS have a global reach — sharing Truth to over 25 countries.
Through our use of multi-language closed caption in YouTube, people from anywhere can listen and learn the Truth of our True Nature. And, because Neelam speaks several languages, she is able to communicate in Private
Session with people world-wide.
And, it is our hope that one day we will have real-time translation available for Satsangs.
Your Donations Make this Possible!
Neelam Fire of Truth Satsanga is a 501c3 non-profit organization founded in 1998 to support Neelam’s teaching.
Since then Neelam and FOTS have reached thousands of students worldwide — supporting their desire for Truth and Awakening through events, videos, private sessions, books, audios, and more.
To support the Awakening of the individual consciousness into the Oneness of Being. Help support Neelam and Fire of Truth Satsanga by enabling us to grow and expand the reach of Neelam’s Teaching.
Your Donations Make a Difference to FOTS!
Support Neelam and Her Teachings
by Donating to FOTS Today
On Behalf of Fire of Truth Satsanga, We thank you for Supporting Neelam and Her Teachings. Your contributions benefit all those who desire Truth and seek Neelam’s guidance!
Our Mission: To Awaken and facilitate Embodiment for all Beings that desire Truth.
Neelam Fire of Truth Satsanga, 501(c)3 – EIN 94-3292647
Recent Projects (since 2023)
Made Possible by Your Donations

Deep Sharing
Neelam has held <> 200 different events over the last 5 year
Neelam has supported over 1,500 people in private sessions
Neelam wrote and published, Pointers to Your True Self
Neelam wrote and published, Awakening & the Elements Necessary for Awakening
Neelam and FOTS developed online eLearning, “Be Here“ Now: A Practical and Experiential Course in Being Present”
…and much more
Worldwide Reach
Reached people in over 35 countries
Had over 150,000 YouTube view
Reached over 3,000 YouTube followers
Future Focused
Recorded hundreds of hours of teachings
Recorded guided meditations
Recorded guided inquiries
Developed new website
Social Media investment & learning
Invested in Marketing Branding