Books & Tools by
Lovingly created for you

“Awakening & The Elements Necessary for Awakening”
Spoken Words by Neelam
Publish 2022.
This beautiful book is the perfect introduction to Neelam’s teachings. Within its pages you will find direct-to-the-point powerful instruction and information, as well as some beautiful personal sharings about Neelam.
This book was made with Love for you, to help us all discover the Truth of Our True Nature. Even students who have worked with Neelam for many years found this book to be deeply powerful and helpful. The content is potent and can be read over and over again — allowing for a deepening of Truth.
Awakening & The Elements Necessary for Awakening is a limited printing release. So, be sure to order yours today!

“Invitation to Awakening:
Pointers to Your True Self”
Spoken Words & Photographs by Neelam
eBook Available. Published 8/2021
Invitation to Awakening: Pointers to Your True Self shares the spoken words by Neelam to her students, to each of us. It embodies the wisdom and transmission of true spiritual Freedom, pointing the heart home to Presence, to the rest and peace that is the Truth of who you are — your True Nature! Each quote invites a moment to pause, reflect, and Be Here.
Spectacular color and black and white photographs taken by Neelam transport the reader through an open door to the stillness and beauty of Presence found all around us and in magical New Mexico.
Guided Meditations & Self-Inquiry

“Direct Experience of Presence Guided Meditation”
Direct Experience of Presence is a beautiful and potent guided inquiry and meditation where Neelam gently yet directly guides the listener inward to experience Presence directly. This unique guided meditation can be used anytime and is one of the foundations of Neelam’s teachings. No matter where you are, what state, situation, or experience — Presence can be recognized by you here in this moment. Neelam with love, kindness, and gentleness guides you home into the peace of your True Nature. Please do not use it while driving.
Topics Include:
- The true meaning of Surrender
- Be Here Now and how to follow the movement within
- What is Honesty: Honesty of Presence and Honesty of our moment by moment experience
- Two aspects of projection: everything is a projection of our mind and how projection is often the way we relate
- The role of ego in Awakening and in our daily life
- Individual Will versus Universal Will
- “Who am I” Inquiry
Quotes from this Audio:
“When I talk about Presence, I often say that the biggest misunderstanding about Presence is that we believe that it is going to happen in the future… Presence already Is; that is the fundamental Truth. We are not becoming Presence. We are just breaking the habit of identifying with the mind … this is not a process of Becoming. And, yet… we get caught in this idea of postponement … there is going to be another time, day, satsang, program … we don’t have to dive into it right now. And that is an illusion, that there is going to be another time … And that really is the Postponement … Every moment there is an invitation to Presence; every moment there is an invitation to a deeper Surrender … This is why we need to live so close to that recognition … that Presence is already Here. ”
20 Minutes, $25
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“Removing Obstacles to Awakening Guided Meditation”
Removing Obstacles to Awakening is a beautiful and potent guided inquiry and meditation where Neelam gently yet directly guides the listener inward to experience Presence directly. This unique guided meditation can be used anytime and points us inward to realize the truth of who we are —Presence, our True Nature. This unique guided inquiry was originally taught to Neelam by Papaji decades ago.
No matter where you are, what state, situation, or experience you are in — Presence can be recognized by you here in this moment. Neelam with love, kindness, and gentleness guides you home into the peace of your True Nature. Please do not use it while driving.
“If we are still in the habit of relying on the mind we get so easily caught in that misunderstanding. It is not just that Presence is already Here — that’s really the foundation, but we ARE Presence right now! We are Presence; we are not some separate object out there — this is really the misunderstanding; this is when we find ourselves with , to Be Present, to Rest in our True Nature — Presence
Topics Include:
- Guided inquiry
- Guided meditation
- Removing mental obstacles to Awakening
- Directly experience 21 Minutes, $42** Immediately after purchase is complete you will receive a receipt email with a link to your purchase.

“Let Thy Will be Done”
Freedom in the Changing World: Let Thy Will Be Done — The True Meaning of Surrender. This is a Returning Students live audio Satsang Program recorded during the Pandemic. In the ever changing world, and especially during times of challenge, the invitation to Awakening and Freedom remains very strong. The world around us is undergoing a very profound transformation — not always fully visible right away and yet for sure perceived in our collective and in our individual experience. What this invitation to change and the ongoing challenging circumstances are showing us — and what is also so very true in our spiritual search? — is that we can either follow the invitation and learn to surrender more deeply or experience even more challenge and suffering.
Surrender is not always easily or well understood here in the West and Neelam takes some time to clarify it for you and to make it more practical as it is so key to our recognition of Presence moment-by-moment.
All areas of interest in this upcoming program are geared towards the strengthening of our Discrimination and of a more refined and subtle understanding of the difference between Past and Present.
Topics Include:
- The true meaning of Surrender
- Be Here Now and how to follow the movement within
- What is Honesty: Honesty of Presence and Honesty of our moment-by-moment experience
- Two aspects of projection: everything is a projection of our mind and how projection is often the way we relate
- The role of ego in Awakening and in our daily life
- Individual Will versus Universal Will
- “Who am I” Inquiry
Quotes from this Audio:
“When I talk about Presence, I often say that the biggest misunderstanding about Presence is that we believe that it is going to happen in the future… Presence already Is; that is the fundamental Truth. We are not becoming Presence. We are just breaking the habit of identifying with the mind … this is not a process of Becoming. And, yet… we get caught in this idea of postponement .. there is going to be another time, day, satsang, program … we don’t have to dive into it right now. And that is an illusion, that there is going to be another time … And that really is the Postponement … Every moment there is an invitation to Presence; every moment there is an invitation to a deeper Surrender … This is why we need to live so close to that recognition … that Presence is already Here. ”
7 Hours, $45
** Immediately after purchase is complete you will receive a receipt email with a link to your purchase.

“Everything is a Projection
of the Mind”
This is a live audio Satsang recording from a Half-day Worldwide Intensive for Returning Students from June 30, 2019.
In this 4-hour intensive Neelam will continue inquiring into the sense of “I”, into the nature of mind, and continue “Breaking the illusion of Separation” into an experiential understanding that Everything arises in Presence and that Everything is a projection of our mind.
Neelam also addresses specific areas of the Nervous System experience — trauma, resilience, and a true ‘yes’ and ‘no’ — which are so important for Embodiment.
The understanding and clarity in those areas helps us to address and stop the perpetuation of the Patterns of the Past.
This Includes a guided experiential practice of “Who am I?” Inquiry.
*Please note this recording is a bit scratchy at times.
Topics Include:
- Projection — Everything is a projection of our mind
- Projection of unmet states — where it still looks like suffering is caused by inner and outer events
- Trauma, how to uncover Nervous System’s resilience, true ‘yes’ and ‘no.’
- “Who am I?” inquiry
“If we are still in the habit of relying on the mind we get so easily caught in that misunderstanding. It is not just that Presence is already Here — that’s really the foundation, but we ARE Presence right now! We are Presence; we are not some separate object out there — this is really the misunderstanding; this is when we find ourselves with , to Be Present, to Rest in our True Nature… it can happen anywhere, anytime, not depending on circumstancese still believe ourselves to be something other than other than or ua only dependent on your willingness to Be Here… ”
3 Hours, $45
** Immediately after purchase is complete you will receive a receipt email with a link to your purchase.

“3 Most Important Elements of the Spiritual Journey”
3 Most Important Elements of Spiritual Journey: Awakening, Embodiment and Freedom are audio recordings taken during a 3-week online program with Neelam. They were recorded live in the intimacy of Satsang and have been specially made available for download.
In them, Neelam guides participants through some of the fundamentals of awakening, the role of the nervous system and how to address it, while sharing beautiful guided meditations and explorations of the direct experience of Presence. You are invited not only to listen, but to participate, in order to really experience what is being shared.
For example, during the inquiry where participants on the call are asked to ‘speak out loud’, we highly encourage you to also speak into the space in order to experience the benefits of this exercise.
7 Hours, $45
** Immediately after purchase is complete you will receive a receipt email with a link to your purchase.

“Is Awakening for You?”
Is Awakening for you? How to Follow our Deepest Truest Desire for Freedom. This is a specially trimmed down and focused program taken from a full 3-week (10+ hour) Teaching Program. In addition to hours of direct instruction by Neelam, this audio also includes several guided meditations as well as student-teaching interactions through questions and answers. This powerful audio is concise and potent in its pointing you home.
Topics Include:
- Breaking The Illusion Of Separation
- True Surrender, Who Am I? And How To Strengthen Your Desire For Truth And Freedom
- The Role Of Trauma In Awakening And Freedom
- How To Work With a Trauma Charge and a Sensitive Nervous System in Inquiry
- Overcoming Obstacles be present and help our Nervous Systems
- Howto Practice
- Freedom is Your Birthright – How to Rely On and Know This in Your Moment By Moment Experience – Overcoming Unworthiness and Doubt
- Breaking Your Attachment to the Past
- What is Addiction and How to Identify and Break Our “Addiction” to the Mental Emotional and Physical States
- True Love – Spiritually and Relationally; What Is Ego and The Role of Devotion in Surrender
Quotes from this Audio:
“The moment we realize that we are suffering is such a special moment; once we realize we are suffering we start to look for a solution to change or fix that …And this is really the theme of our program. How to recognize and follow our desire for Truth and Freedom… So many times the solutions we are looking for are external…until at some point we realize all the different things we are doing do not help, they don’t work, and this is when we find ourselves with the willingness to Be Here, to Be Present, to Rest in our True Nature… it can happen anywhere, anytime, not depending on circumstances or a certain place. It is only dependent on your willingness to Be Here… ”
3+ Hours, $35
** Immediately after purchase is complete you will receive a receipt email with a link to your purchase.

“Do We Need to Address Trauma for Awakening?”
My interest in Trauma is not for the sake of trauma, it is in the context of Awakening and our ability to Be Here. Trauma can prevent us from being at rest.
By Trauma I do not mean the circumstances or events, I mean the unmet unresolved charge that remains in the nervous system long after the events are gone. Our ability to be Present is affected by these unmet charges. When the charge is not resolved, it causes all kinds of symptoms, even health symptoms, and takes our attention away from being Here.
What I mean by Awakening:
A Permanent shift from identifying yourself with as this body to knowing yourself as Presence. And, by permanent I mean that The Search is over; now we really know ourselves directly to be Presence our True Nature, and there is no more looking for that.
In order for this to happen, we need to allow our attention to Be Here. This is where the Capacity of the Nervous Systems comes in and resolving Trauma. Addressing this helps us grown in our capacity to Be Here, for Awakening, and to experience Presence.
— Neelam
31 Minutes, $25
** Immediately after purchase is complete you will receive a receipt email with a link to your purchase.

“Why Can I Not Sit Still for Meditation?”
Why Can I Not Sit Still for Meditation? (Understanding why it is challenging to sit still for meditation) This is a specially trimmed-focused version taken from a full 3 week (10+ hour) live Satsang Program.
Topics Include:
- Nature and habits of the mind
- Our body’s physiology and its impact on the mind
- Understanding Papajai’s instructions: “Keep quiet; don’t make any effort”
- Finding our True Nature
- Being Present what is arising in the moment
- Understand connection between past trauma, the body, and sitting still in meditation
- How past trauma or circumstances impact our Nervous System
- How being still and quiet might be threatening to some
- How to retrain our Nervous Systems
- How to be present and help our Nervous Systems
- How to help the brain be Present
- Guided meditation/inquiry
Quotes from this Video:
“… the way our Nervous systems and brains function, they are still affected by experiences of the Past. I often gently and kindly say, our Nervous systems have had an incredible training in how to remain in activation; an incredible training in how not to relax, an incredible training in how not to be Present to what is… So we need to understand that, and we need to treat it with a lot of kindness and understanding … this is what the Nervous System has learned. The good news is that if our Nervous System has learned to do this, it can also learn to do something different, it can also unlearn this, it can learn to relax and how to Be Here. … This is why I always address this before meditation… we can learn how to address this, and we can help it to build capacity and learn how to be Present….”
Price: $16
Books Interviewing Neelam
There are many writings about Neelam, below are two books with dedicated chapters highlighting Neelam and her spiritual realizations.

Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Wisdom,
The Feminine Force of Awakening
by Rita Marie Robinson
Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Wisdom is a collection of intimate, heartfelt conversations with women spiritual teachers who live and look like ordinary people. They have kids, husbands, jobs, and bills to pay. What makes them extraordinary is that each woman has awakened to her true nature. And while that sounds like enlightenment, it doesn’t look like the old stereotype of transcendence, detachment, and bliss. Quite the contrary. This is the feminine half of the spiritual journey―bringing it down to earth and embracing all of what it means to be human.
Price: $22

Meeting Papaji, First-Hand Accounts
by Roslyn Moore
In the early nineties, when H.W.L. Poonja (Papaji), an enlightened master in the lineage of Ramana Maharshi, could no longer travel, a flood of westerners came to be with him in Lucknow, India. He told them to call off their search. He said that they were what they were searching for. All they had to do was keep quiet. “You are happiness. You are peace. You are freedom itself.” They heard him. A remarkable number of them awakened, or at least had a glimpse of their true identity. Their stories are captivating, and through their portrayals of Papaji his living transmission is offered to us.
Intimate first hand accounts from Gangaji, Neelam, Prashanti, Yudhishtara, Isaac, Mira, Surendra, Sangeeta, Chandra, Yamuna and Dasarath.
Price: $16
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