What Does Neelam Teach?
Neelam’s unique teachings, based on her own Awakening in the presence of her teacher Papaji, combine spirituality with the modern science of the nervous system. The core of her teaching, together with deep insight into the nature of Awakening and Freedom is Sensation-Based Self Inquiry, based on Sri Ramana Maharshi’s guidelines for Self Inquiry. This practical, body/sensation-based inquiry practice strikes at the heart of human suffering, which is not caused by external circumstances but rather by our resistance to what is and our inability to “Be Here” at any given moment.
Students learn to experience Presence directly and disengage from thoughts and emotions which pull them into habitual response patterns. They increase their capacity and the capacity of their nervous system to Be Here, allowing them to stay with the present moment instead of going into fight/flight/freeze or overwhelm. Releasing the energy of the past, students can transcend their past conditioning and are free to Be Here and to respond differently in the present moment. Following this true movement that arises Here leads us into more Trust and that results in Awakening, Embodiment and Freedom.
On the open tele-satsang call you will personally connect one-on-one with Neelam to hear her teaching, ask questions, and go through practical exercises you can use in your daily life.
Neelam has been giving satsang (a gathering together for truth) since 1996. She embodies and transmits deep tenderness as a teacher, speaking to both the heart and mind. She addresses current and relevant topics related to everyday life together with deep insight into the nature of spiritual Reality. Her teachings allow students to meet everything which arises in life, whether it is internal experience or external events, with acceptance and resting in Presence.