tele-conference calling options

Land lines and cell phones both work for conference calls (with land lines typically offering clearer reception). But, if you don’t have a good long distance plan OR are calling from out of the country OR would like to be hands free during the call, then creating a skype account could be a simple solution. Simply sign up for skype, sign into your account, call the conference call number, enter the call’s access code, then listen and speak into the computer when needed.

a note about prerequisites

The purpose of Neelam’s teaching is to help us know that Presence is our True Nature. Working with Neelam, on-going, is how real change happens. Longer programs with Neelam have a strong pre-requisite—they are open only to students who have worked with Neelam previously. This is very important as the shorter programs lay the ground work for the deeper work that happens in the longer programs.

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copyright © 2021-2022 Neelam - Fire of Truth Satsanga
Our mission: To support the awakening of the individual consciousness into the Oneness of Being.