October 2022 Three-Week Program
“Who am I?” Sahaja Sthiti,
Are you the Doer? & Awakening
Open to Everyone
Week 1: Sunday, October 9
Week 2: Sunday, October 16
(10 AM – 1 PM Mountain Time)
Week 3: Sunday, October 23
(10 AM – 2 PM Mountain Time)
Areas of Interest:*
- Emptiness and Love
- The Role of the Nervous System and Brain in Awakening
- The Role of Inquiry in Awakening
- Is anybody doing this?
- How the I takes ownership of the arising experience
- Karma / Destiny and the meaning of doership
- Free will
- Ahimsa — nonviolence — keeping our “house” clean
- The meaning of “I am not the doer”
- The spiritual misunderstanding of “I am not the doer”
- Dreams, visions and their role in Awakening
- The Teacher and its role in Awakening
- Sahaja Sthiti — intuitive knowledge or the 6th sense
- What is the movement that powers all Experience?
- Removing obstacles to Awakening
- What is congruence and its importance for Awakening and Beyond Awakening
- “WHO AM I ?” Inquiry
*Topics that Neelam may address in this program. Topics are dependent on the flow of the program and interest from the students.
In our last two programs we have been exploring and enjoying the deeper, more direct aspects of knowing ourselves as Presence — and there’s really nothing more powerful to know that than our own Direct Experience.
I want to continue this deep and direct exploration in our upcoming 3-week program, also including a little more information about the Nervous System and Brain for students who are newer to me.
We will be diving even more deeply into Presence and into the very powerful exploration of “Are you the Doer?” and the “Who am I?” Inquiry.
The question of Doership brings up a lot for most everybody — which is great ?♥️ and the role of Satsang ? — and the misunderstanding can go both ways — either not realizing experientially or directly the Truth of the statement “we are not the Doer “or using “I am not the Doer” as a thought that conflicts with or contradicts the natural movement that arises here.
I want to remain in this very experiential and practical exploration with you.
I also want to continue with many of the themes from the last program that we did not have a chance to address fully — karma/ destiny and free will, dreams/ visions and the role of the Teacher in Awakening etc.
I also want to take some time for you to experience the very direct and powerful “Who am I ?” Inquiry.
Ramana Maharshi, after some years of quiet absorption in the Natural State — our True Nature — and in response to a question and a desire for instructions from a disciple who was moved by the deep state of Silence that Ramana was immersed in has written the instruction to the very direct and powerful “Who am I?” Inquiry.
It is yet another very direct way to know the Truth of the statement “I am not the Doer” and I am very much looking forward to sharing this with you as well as to our time together.
With Love,
Homework -1 page max confidentially send to info@neelam.org
1.What is your experience of Doership?
How do you hold that question / understanding in your moment by moment experience?
2. What is your experience of asking yourself the question — as you are sitting here, right now, can anything be different in your experience?
3. What is your experience of asking yourself the question of — as you are sitting here, right now is anybody doing this?
Please share anything else you would like me to know re: these questions and your experience around — “I am not the Doer”.
If you have never attended one of Neelam’s Satsang Programs,
we would love to have you join us for Week 1 of this 3-Week program for no registration fee.
We have a variety of Price Points based on a Sliding Scale and Please contact the office if you have any financial considerations. We would love to have you join the program and are open to any financial considerations and concerns.
All Three Weeks: $285-$125
Week One Only: $95-$55
Weeks Two and Three: $225-$105
Benefits of Programs:
- Developing a stronger reliance on Presence
- Breaking the illusion of Separation
- Ability to recognize the difference between past and Present
- Learning practical information about the nervous system and brain and how to grow the Capacity of the Nervous System to Be Here
- Understanding what Embodiment is and learning how to embody challenging and expanded states like fear anger and love
- Learning practical information about being in the world and being relational
Students sitting with Neelam often experience:
- A greater capacity in the nervous system to be here and experience the arising past (less fight-or-flight, or overwhelm-collapse)
- Improved ability to notice tendencies shaped by past experiences and break free from habitual, self-defeating patterns
- Awakening (i.e. permanent shift to knowing oneself as Presence)
- Increased ability to navigate life’s ups and downs, feel more at peace and enjoy life more
Students receive support through:
- Recordings of all sessions
- Detailed notes of all sessions
- Reminder emails
- Contact for questions and support via email, with replies directly from Neelam