Sunday, November 29 — 10 AM – 1 PM Mountain Time

Sunday, December 6 — 10 AM – 1 PM Mountain Time

Sunday, December 13 — 10 AM – 2 PM Mountain Time

3 Week Intensive Open to Everyone

Tenderness is a symptom of our Natural State and yet so often instead of being here with what is — which is so crucial for Awakening, Embodiment and Freedom — we spend time in judgment (of “what is”) and in being critical towards ourselves and others, but mostly towards our own experience.

To truly move beyond these habits and to break (unwind) the patterns of the Past, we need to identify our deepest Tendencies and learn to embrace “what is” with kindness.

Early life and its conditioning, which aligns with some of the oldest Tendencies of our Past, is often the time when we have developed strong habits, strong beliefs and survival strategies — strategies that have been a substitute for our ability to Be Here.

So often these habits lead us into experience and thoughts of “wrongness” which is a symptom of the Past.

These tendencies devoid of the tenderness of our natural state keep us acting, thinking and functioning in ways that sabotage and undermine our ability to Be Here, to fully rest in presence and to enter into Awakening, Embodiment and Freedom.

Even with our deepest desire for Truth and even after Awakening, these habits can remain unconsciously active while impeding our ability to fully Be Here and act from Presence rather than from the Past.

This also of course includes our practice — and I see all of our life as practice ?— and our approach to practice.

Without true Tenderness, we are not able to allow for the patterns of the Past to be here long enough for us to see through the unreality of it and into Presence.

Now that the Covid pandemic, economic challenges and politics so deeply influence our lives, by slowing us down, triggering and shaking up some of our deepest beliefs and fears — those often invisible patterns and our unconscious survival strategies are even more at play — visible and accessible for awareness, investigation and Inquiry.

Let us use this unique opportunity to break out of these habits with Tenderness and strengthen the invitation into Awakening, Embodiment and Freedom.


  • Tenderness, Discrimination and Inquiry
  • Desire for Truth and Surrender and its importance for Awakening Embodiment and Freedom
  • Tenderness is the symptom of our Natural State
  • Judgment and “wrongness” are the symptoms of the Past
  • How the ways we function in life and the challenges we experience are connected to and are a reflection of the deeper patterns of the past
  • What is Trust and the role of Trust in Awakening
  • The Role of the NS and Brain in Awakening – the NS need for uncoupling and “separation”
  • How the Covid pandemic and patterns of the Past affect our Nervous Systems; the challenge and opportunity of making a deeper commitment to Freedom now
  • The meaning of Tenderness in Practice and how to Practice for Awakening, Embodiment, and Freedom
  • How early-life patterns and survival strategies develop and still function in the unconscious, often exasperated and teased out by crisis and stress, and how they interfere with our ability to find Peace and Be Here in a moment
  • Why do we need to address individual past for Awakening, Embodiment, and Freedom
  • The importance of breaking patterns of the past for Awakening, Embodiment and Freedom
  • Awareness, Tenderness and Inquiry as a way to break from the patterns of the Past
  • “Who am I ” Inquiry


Please answer these questions before the program starts (1 page maximum).

1.What was your family of origin and early life experience like? IF YOU RECENTLY SUBMITTED AN ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION, NO NEED TO REPEAT. 

2.What experiences and tendencies of the past do you see repeating in your life and what are the challenges to your practice now?

Sliding Scale Available for those affected by Covid-19

Neelam would like everybody to be able to participate in our programs at this time.  If you have lost income, or are economically affected due to Covid-19 and would like to participate in programs, you can make a donation in any amount you can afford. At the same time, we very much appreciate everybody who can pay within the sliding scale now as we also need to support and sustain our income. Thank you all for your support and participation.

You will find a scholarship choice on the registration pages for the program of your interest.

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copyright © 2021-2022 Neelam - Fire of Truth Satsanga
Our mission: To support the awakening of the individual consciousness into the Oneness of Being.