Finding Inner Freedom in Times of Challenge – Body-oriented Inquiry
Live Zoom Video Satsang with Grace Bubeck
Click here to Register
Sunday, May 27th – 12-1:30pm Mountain.
In the span of our lifetime, globally, collectively and individually, we inevitably find ourselves in times of challenge – often related to but not limited by:
- Illness
- Trauma
- Loss of a loved one
- End of relationship or relationship conflict
- Loss of work/source of income
- Unexpected life circumstances
- Climate and political change
At that time we are not only often faced with a diminished capacity to function in the world but also with stronger inner responses that heighten our conditioning and are part of unresolved patterns of the past.
That can both intensify our experience of Suffering and become an incredible invitation to Inquire and to find inner Freedom.
Please join Grace and Neelam in this practical and experiential program where you will learn more about the responses evoked by times of challenge and experience powerful, body sensation based Inquiry that brings us back into Presence and Freedom.