February/March 2023 Three-Week Program
Sahaja Sthiti ♥️ Nervous System & Awakening ?
-Transforming Past into Presence-
(A Continuation of the Sahaja Sthiti Program)
Open to Everyone
Register Today for Weeks 2 and 3!
Week 1: Sunday, February 19
Week 2: Sunday, February 26
(10 AM – 1 PM Mountain Time)
Week 3: Sunday, March 5
(10 AM – 2 PM Mountain Time)
“This program is designed to Awaken ?♥️;
to Elevate your Daily Practice;
to Strengthen your areas of Challenge;
and Reaffirm your Strength and Capacity for Awakening and to Be Here.”
Areas of Interest:*
- Direct Experience of Presence
- What is Mind? The difference between mind and Presence
- Devotion & Surrender
- Sahaja Sthiti
- Awakening
- True independence from the Past
- Capacity of the Nervous System to Be Here & how it relates to Patterns of the Past
- Patterns and symptoms of the Past
- Symptoms of Trauma
- How Past affects our Nervous Systems in the Moment — Reactivity and Projection
- Boundary, Limit and true Yes & No as a way to recover Capacity to Be Here
- Being Here as a foundation for true rest, mediation and independence in all areas of your life
- Your conscious and unconscious “reasons” to not to Be Here in the moment
*Topics that Neelam may address in this program. Topics are dependent on the flow of the program and interest from the students.
Sahaja Sthiti is the sacred movement that arises prior to the mind. Just hearing the words “Sahaja Sthiti” is something that Awakens and pulls our attention deeper into Presence.
More and more we are able to recognize this Independent movement in the moment. And yet consciously or not we so often still listen to “reasons” that tell us why we can’t just Be Here or Awaken and so often as well, when Past arises and takes our attention away from Presence we struggle to recognize and deal with the way the Past affects our Nervous Systems and its capacity to Be Here.
We often still don’t know quite how to recognize and address the symptoms and patterns of the Past and Trauma and often struggle to regain our attention and awareness of the Moment.
In this 3-week program and in the next few programs as well I want to devote our time together to both nurturing the deep recognition of Presence and to learning more about how to recognize, become present to and Transform patterns of the Past and our so often unconscious allegiance to “reasons” why we can’t Be Here or Awaken.
I am very much looking forward to our time together.
With Love,
Please answer these questions before the program starts (1 page maximum) and send confidentially to info@neelam.org
We have a variety of Price Points based on a Sliding Scale. Please contact the office if you have any financial considerations. We would love to have you join the program and are open to many financial arrangements.
Three-Week Program: $285-$125
Special First Time Student Rate: Free for Week 1 and $85 for Weeks 2 and 3
Benefits of Programs:
- Developing a stronger reliance on Presence
- Breaking the illusion of Separation
- Ability to recognize the difference between past and Present
- Learning practical information about the nervous system and brain and how to grow the Capacity of the Nervous System to Be Here
- Understanding what Embodiment is and learning how to embody challenging and expanded states like fear anger and love
- Learning practical information about being in the world and being relational
Students sitting with Neelam often experience:
- A greater capacity in the nervous system to be here and experience the arising past (less fight-or-flight, or overwhelm-collapse)
- Improved ability to notice tendencies shaped by past experiences and break free from habitual, self-defeating patterns
- Awakening (i.e. permanent shift to knowing oneself as Presence)
- Increased ability to navigate life’s ups and downs, feel more at peace and enjoy life more
Students receive support through:
- Recordings of all sessions
- Detailed notes of all sessions
- Reminder emails
- Contact for questions and support via email, with replies directly from Neelam