August 15 Returning Students* Day Long Program

Love of Truth and Surrender; Inner Knowing and Movement that Leads to Trust

Sunday, August 15, 2021 — 10 AM – 2 PM Mountain Time

*Returning Students are students who have completed a 6-month program; have completed four 3-week programs; or who are invited personally by Neelam. Any questions, ask

The true meaning of Surrender is the recognition and willingness to follow the movement that arises within and the very ultimate and direct experience of the mind merging in the Heart

It all begins and ends with Love of Truth ?, Love of something that is greater than what arises in our own experience — mentally, physically and emotionally.

That Love that transcends boundaries, insecurities and fears and let’s us dive into and follow the inner.

The naturally arising devotion to Truth, to the teaching or to the teacher is part of that Love — the inner Fire that consumes everything that is not permanent, everything that stands in its way of fully knowing our True Nature.

In our upcoming daylong I want to let us experience and speak more about This and also explore your experience of the inner movement, of what stops you from Trusting and following that Trust, which eventually leads us to Surrender and Awakening grows naturally as we follow the movement on the inner.

We also need to deepen our Discrimination — recognizing Past for what it is when it arises Here — as that is what leads us into Awakening Embodiment and Freedom.

Love, Neelam


  • Love of Truth, Love of the Teaching, Love of the Teacher
  • How do we grow in Trust?
  • “Does this belong to you?” and the true meaning of Surrender
  • Keep Quiet, don’t make any effort ?
  • What is “Inner Knowing?”
  • How to learn to recognize the inner movement and follow it — what strengthens the desire for Truth
  • Presence is the origin of all arising, all movement arises in Presence — Is anybody doing it? ?
  • How Past arises in the Present
  • Familiarity of the Past, how and why we trust is more than we trust the Present or trust what we know is true
  • Discrimination & addressing of what stops us from following what we know is true 


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  1. How do you experience Love of Truth, Love of the Teaching
  2. What in the moment stops you from following what you know is true?
  3. What other situations in your past does that conditioning or habit remind you of?

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Our mission: To support the awakening of the individual consciousness into the Oneness of Being.