If you have never attended one of Neelam’s Satsang Programs,
we would love to have you join us for Week 1 of this 3-Week program for no registration fee.

Areas of Interest*:

  • Direct Experience of Presence
  • What is Freedom and why we need to focus on it now more than ever ?♥️
  • Living Presence in today’s world
  • Compassion and Presence — How to hold the vulnerability of what is present for us in Today’s World while Being Here
  • True meaning of Surrender
  • The importance of Trust and how can we continue to grow in Trust 
  • Freedom in Today’s World
  • There is no Separation 
  • Two types of Projection — the World is a projection of the mind and projection as a way of avoiding of what is present in the moment
  • What is Suffering and how projection creates the illusion of “responsibility”
  • Embodiment of Presence — how repetition of Patterns sustains the Past 
  • Emptiness & Love — the two aspects of Presence — “When I know that I am Nothing that’s Emptiness. When I know that I’m Everything that’s Love”

*Topics that Neelam may address in this program. Topics are dependent on the flow of the program and interest from the students.


Freedom is the deepest and truest desire that we have and yet Today’s World brings many challenges that can potentially distract us from this goal.

How to remain connected and aware and yet pursue the deepest and truest desire that has the power to finally liberate us from suffering and from the cycle of birth, life and death?

How to hold the vulnerability of what is present for us in today’s World while Being Present and Being Here?

Grounding our attention in the unmovable reality of No Separation while holding deep Honesty, Innocence and Presence when it comes to Embodiment is the true answer now and moving forward.

I also want to touch in this program on the two aspects of Presence — Emptiness and Love.

As at first we need to let go of everything to dive into the Emptiness of our True Nature eventually we want to come back to the reality of knowing that everything is Presence. This realization can truly transform our experience of the World.

I am very much looking forward to our time together in Emptiness and Love.

— Neelam


One page maximum, email confidentially to info@neelam.org

1. How do current world events affect your ability to Be Here?

2. What is your experience of  “When I know that I am Nothing that’s Emptiness, when I know that I’m everything that’s Love”.

Benefits of Programs:

  • Developing a stronger reliance on Presence
  • Breaking the illusion of Separation 
  • Ability to recognize the difference between past and Present 
  • Learning practical information about the nervous system and brain and how to grow the Capacity of the Nervous System to Be Here
  • Understanding what Embodiment is and learning how to embody challenging and expanded states like fear anger and love
  • Learning practical information about being in the world and being relational

 Students sitting with Neelam often experience:

  • A greater capacity in the nervous system to be here and experience the arising past (less fight-or-flight, or overwhelm-collapse)
  • Improved ability to notice tendencies shaped by past experiences and break free from habitual, self-defeating patterns
  • Awakening (i.e. permanent shift to knowing oneself as Presence)
  • Increased ability to navigate life’s ups and downs, feel more at peace and enjoy life more

Students receive support through:

  • Recording of Week 1
  • Reminder emails
  • Contact for questions and support via email, with replies directly from Neelam

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copyright © 2021-2022 Neelam - Fire of Truth Satsanga
Our mission: To support the awakening of the individual consciousness into the Oneness of Being.