Sunday, August 25 “Truth Exalts a Holy Person” — The True Meaning in Today’s World

Written by admin. Posted in Programs

Sunday, August 25, 2024

9am to 1pm Pacific Time

“Truth Exalts a Holy Person” — The True Meaning in Today’s World

(4-hour Satsang for Returning Students**, Open to Anyone)

*Returning Students are students who have completed a 6-month program; have completed four 3-week programs; or who are invited personally by Neelam. Anyone is welcome and please understand this is an upper-level program.  Any questions, ask

“Truth exalts a holy person” is a very direct and powerful statement that I heard Papaji speak many, many times.

It is a powerful reminder that what really matters in our spiritual search is what we go by, moment-by-moment and what we deeply hold and believe in in our Heart. This statement invites a measure of absolute Surrender and the willingness to give our full attention to and to give everything up for Freedom.

It may also invite the questions of what giving everything up for Freedom means, what is the true meaning of “Holy” and what does “Truth exalts a Holy person” mean practically?

Papaji spoke about “with Love and humility entering the cave of our Heart and waiting for the Beloved, our true Nature, to come and “choose us”.

We so often believe that reaching Awakening and Freedom is based on our effort. And even though initially it may feel like that it is truly the Innocence of our Hearts and the willingness to follow what directly arises within that attracts Truth to us.

In our daylong intensive I want to remind us of the true purpose of our life and foster a deeper Inquiry into what holds us back from ultimate Surrender and Freedom.

Let’s together better understand the true meaning of Holy and let’s grow in our Love of Truth.

Areas of Interest:

  • Awakening, Surrender and Freedom
  • What is a “Holy Person”?
  • How to grow in Surrender and Love of Truth moment by moment
  • True meaning of Truth exalts a holy person
  • What does it mean to give everything up for Freedom
  • Are you ready?🙂 to give everything up for Freedom
  • What in your life right now – and moment by moment – stops you from giving everything up for Freedom

Homework 1 page max  confidentially send to 

  1. What is your understanding of a “Holy person” and what personal judgments / comparisons do you have with that?
  2. What does it mean for you to give everything up for Freedom?

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Our mission: To support the awakening of the individual consciousness into the Oneness of Being.