4 Month Program for Returning Students
Nov 17th, 2019 – Feb 23rd, 2020

Starts: Sunday | Nov 17th | 10am-1pm MT

“Freedom in Every moment – Awakening, Embodiment and Freedom Now!”

Join Neelam for a Free Info Call on November 3rd

4-Month Program Introduction Call
for Returning Students

Registration link coming soon!


This 4 month program is for students who have completed a 6-month program before.

There is a real and very present invitation in this lifetime – to Awaken to the Truth of who we really are, to Embody that recognition and to realize and live Freedom – the true independence from the past.

Our work together over the past several months and years has not only Awaken you to the Truth of who we really are but it has also strengthened and deepened your abidance in Presence and the capacity of the Nervous System to Be Here.

We are blessed with unique circumstances in this life – a lineage, a teacher and a teaching that we trust ????, time, energy and interest, and unimpeded ability to follow our inner path.

And yet with life events arising – and there is always something going on in life???? – it is easy to lose our focus and attention. 

In this year’s longer program the invitation is not only to Awaken but to Embody our recognition of Presence and Awakening.

It is to identify and address your particular obstacles to Awakening and Embodiment and to make a very personal and lasting commitment to Freedom. Commitment that – no matter where we are at, no matter if we fully know” how to” at moments and no matter when – is going to bring us to reach our goal.

It is the deep Love for Truth and the strong desire for Freedom that brings us into the depth of Surrender necessary for Awakening, Embodiment and Freedom and through your renewed commitment and through our unique connection together we can strengthen all the needed elements and make sure that we will reach our goal.

We will begin this year’s program and keep our focus on identifying and addressing your individual challenges in the area of Awakening, Embodiment and Freedom, and on strengthening your Inquiry skills and your individual practice.


Awakening – Breaking the illusion of Separation :

  • Direct experience of Presence and Who am I?
  • Everything is a projection of our mind
  • Establishing reliance on Presence rather then reliance on the Past
  • Karma / Destiny and Free Will and how does it relate to our moment by moment experience

The Role of the NS in Awakening, Embodiment and Freedom:

  • Growing the capacity of the Nervous System to Be Here
  • How Nervous Systems regulation affects the mental and emotional states that we experience
  • Embodiment of challenging and expanded states like fear, anger, Bliss, Love, etc…
  • The Role of the Nervous System and its capacity to Be Here in Inquiry and before, during, and after Awakening

True Meaning of Surrender:

  • What is Surrender, how to follow desire for Truth and our knowing
  • How can we cultivate a true reliance on Presence and learn to trust the Heart enough to follow the movement that arises from Presence

Embodiment and Freedom –  Being Functional in the World

  • Discrimination & Trust – experiential understanding of movement from the present versus movement from the past
  • True ‘Yes’ / ‘No’ & what are true needs
  • Survival strategies and how they become the way we relate
  • How relating reflects the capacity of our Nervous System to Be Here
  • Meditation on completing the past
  • Solitude & Presence as the foundation of being in the world and being relational


  • 4 and 3 hour Satsangs with Neelam
  • Two private sessions with Neelam
  • Additional teaching and homework recordings
  • Group support
  • Group calls supported by long-time students
  • Partner inquiry
  • Written assignments
  • Recordings & Notes of all our sessions together


Your full participation in all aspects of the program is required *

  • TeleConference Satsangs and at home half-day intensive calls with Neelam, every other week (except holidays)
  • Two private sessions with Neelam
  • Additional teaching and homework, audio or video recordings from Neelam, and details on how to apply these assignments to our lives
  • Weekly partner inquiry – 1 hour per week
  • Group calls with instructions from Neelam and supported by long time students
  • Make sure you set aside time for yourself and all of these elements for the duration of the program.


Starting on November 17th and ending on February 23rd, Program calls occur on Sundays except for Holiday weekends.  We will add the schedule very soon once all of the details are worked out.

Neelam asks that participants avoid being absent for more than 2 meetings during the program.

REGISTRATION – Full Details coming soon.

  • You may reserve your spot by making a non-refundable deposit of $100 to FOTS.  (In the event of unforeseen program cancellation, deposits will be refunded or donated to FOTS as you prefer.) Send an email to info@neelam.org with intent to register and we will send you deposit payment details.
  • Sliding scale will be offered to those who register before November 10th, 2019.
  • Monthly payment options are available (email info@neelam.org to request)

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copyright © 2021-2022 Neelam - Fire of Truth Satsanga
Our mission: To support the awakening of the individual consciousness into the Oneness of Being.