Free Experiential 6Mth Program Introduction call

Sunday | October 21st | 10am – 12pm MT

“For students that have not done a six month program before”



6-Month Program Topic: Freedom in Every Moment – Presence, Awakening and the Role of the Nervous System in Inquiry and Freedom (Series beings November 11, 2018) Register HERE

Join Neelam for this free call where she will discuss the focus and content of her upcoming 6 Month Tele-Course for students new to her longer programs. Ask questions and find out if the longer program is for you. This is an open call and all are welcome.


Why Neelam Has Created This Program for Students?

We come into this life carried by the momentum of our unresolved past and guided by our Desire for Freedom (true independence from our past). Many people suffer not realizing that this is not due to external circumstances, but rather by our resisting what is as well as our inability to “Be Here” at any given moment, to face and transcend our arising past. It is the energy of being Present (the momentum that we bring into Being Here and being Present) that has the power to permanently stop our engagement with the past; to experience directly, bring to rest our unresolved tendencies and disengage from habitual negative, reactive patterns.


Why Join this Call?

This Free Introductory Call will provide insight into how Neelam’s 6-month program offers insight into our innate capacity to experience “Freedom in Every Moment”, and why Sensation-Based Self Inquiry (refocusing attention to body-sensations when past is present or when being “triggered”) can end suffering in our daily lives. Students have said that her teachings have resulted in a different way of experiencing life, themselves and others, resulting in:

  • A greater capacity in the nervous system to be here and experience the arising past (less fight-or-flight or Overwhelm-Collapse)
  • Improved ability to notice tendencies shaped by past experiences and break free from habitual, self-defeating patterns
  • Awakening (i.e.permanent shift to knowing oneself as Presence)
  • Increased ability to navigate life’s ups and downs, feel more at peace and enjoy life more


Why Join a 6-month Program?

This call will also cover the benefits of participation in the longer 6-month programs, including strengthening our commitment to Presence, Trust, Discrimination Awakening and Freedom. The experiential nature of the 6-month program allows students opportunities to ask many questions and deepen the practical application of Neelam’s teachings including learning of Self-Inquiry skills. Establishing a new habit of “Being Here” (from both the brain and physiology perspective) takes practice and time!

Papaji used to say that when we come to Satsang we are like a glass of water with sediment at the bottom. Satsang stirs up the sediment so that it can be seen, experienced and transcended.

For more detailed information on the offerings of this 6-month program go HERE

About Neelam: Neelam has been giving satsang (a gathering together for truth) since 1996.  She embodies and transmits deep tenderness as a teacher, speaking to both the heart and mind.  Her teachings allow students to meet everything which arises in life, whether it is internal experience or external events, with acceptance and resting in Presence.

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copyright © 2021-2022 Neelam - Fire of Truth Satsanga
Our mission: To support the awakening of the individual consciousness into the Oneness of Being.