September 29th
10 am – 2pm MT | 4 hour Intensive for Returning Students 

For students who have attended a previous 6 month program.

“Awakening, Embodiment and Freedom Now! & The Role of the Nervous System in Relating “

Postponement is one of the greatest impediments to Awakening and Freedom. Even for those of us who have been “at it” for a long time that very subtle and yet so strong tendency of postponing arises over and over again.

But in Truth and Reality, If not Now ! – then when? ????

That question applies to any area of our practice and to understanding that at any moment we do have the opportunity to sharpen the sword of Discrimination and to strengthen our desire for Truth and abidance Here.

The deeper opportunities for practice are showing up as current areas of challenge in your life – as long as we don’t get lost in what I call the ” interpretation of facts ” or the ” story”???? – and as obstacles to practice itself which I would like us to address.

I will also be speaking about relating from Presence and about the role of the NS in Relating and how often relationship/s with an other means two or more Nervous Systems in fight, flight or freeze.

As always we will have time for Q and A and for Inquiry practice together

This 4-hour intensive is an invitation to the immediacy of Awakening , Embodiment and Freedom and to deepening of our commitment to Be Here .

Areas of focus:

  • What we really want is to Be Here – strengthening our desire for Truth.
  • Identifying, and practically addressing, areas of your life where recognition of Presence is not functional.
  • Elements necessary for Awakening and Freedom as they relate to your practice – check in on your practice and on what needs strengthening.
  • Understanding relating from Presence and the Role of the Nervous System in relating.

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Call recordings & Notes will be sent to all registrants.
Registration closes at 7 am Mountain on day of event.
Write to: if you have any registration challenges.

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copyright © 2021-2022 Neelam - Fire of Truth Satsanga
Our mission: To support the awakening of the individual consciousness into the Oneness of Being.