Worldwide 3-Week Intensive with Neelam

Sunday’s – June 21st, 28th & July 5th

New Schedule! New Registration Choices!
Register for All 3-Weeks, OR Week 1 & 2 only, OR Week 3 Only.
Week 2 is a 4-Hour Satsang from 10am-2pm Mountain
Week 1 & 3 are 3-Hours from 10am-1pm Mountain

Are you ready for Awakening Now?? – Surrender, Trauma Past and our Deepest Desire for Freedom

We live in a unique moment in time – time that can open an even stronger invitation to Awakening and Freedom.

What often holds us back is our capacity to Be Here and that means our capacity to be with the un-met, unresolved past, and in particular trauma past that may be even more present and visible now.

There is also often a misunderstanding of what desire for Truth and Freedom really is and what does it mean to Surrender–before, during and after Awakening.

In this upcoming 3-week intensive I will address some of these fundamental questions with you –

  • Are you ready for Awakening? ?
  • Is Awakening for you?
  • Where are you at now in your experience and where are you at in the process that leads to Awakening or after Awakening–and how does that stop you from Awakening Embodiment and Freedom Now?
  • What is desire of Truth and Surrender and how to overcome Unworthiness and Doubt

I will be speaking about Trauma and Past and Inquiry as well and there will be plenty of time for questions and to practice together


  1. Where are you at in your experience and re: Awakening, Embodiment, and Freedom Now?

By writing Neelam’s homework questions you are given the opportunity to become clear on what is going on for you. She reads all of your homework and very much appreciates your participation.

Topics for Week 1 (10am-1pm MT) & Week 2 (10am-2pm MT)

  • Is Awakening For You?? 
  • True Surrender and how to follow Desire for Truth 
  • The Role Of Past and Trauma in Awakening and Freedom
  • Overcoming Unworthiness and doubt 
  • How the challenges you experience now are an invitation to a deeper Inquiry and Freedom
  • How to recognize Suffering – discrimination between thinking ( mind) and mental states and between being with what is present 
  • How To Work With Fear, Survival instinct and Trauma in Inquiry

Topics for Week 3 (10am-1pm MT) – All are Welcome to Join

  • Invitation to Awakening and Freedom is always here ?
  • What is Addiction? And the spiritual meaning of addiction.
  • How to break our addictions and our reliance on the mental, emotional and physical states
  • True Love – Spiritually and Relationally

Finances during Covid-19 | We would like everybody to be able to participate in our programs. If you have lost income, are economically affected by Covid, and would like to participate, you can make a donation in any amount you can afford.  See the registration page for details.

Registrations close 3-hours before the start of Satsang.
All are welcome to join these 3-Week programs.
Neelam’s programs are fully interactive, participatory & experiential
You can connect from anywhere in the world by phone or online
Registered participants receive call recordings & detailed notes for each call

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copyright © 2021-2022 Neelam - Fire of Truth Satsanga
Our mission: To support the awakening of the individual consciousness into the Oneness of Being.