Jan 19th – Daylong intensive for returning students
10 am -2 pm Mountain

 “What stops you from Presence, Awakening and Freedom Now? ???? – a deeper Inquiry into the patterns of the past that affect our ability to Be Here.”

As I have been sitting with the focus for this upcoming returning students intensive I keep coming back to the importance of addressing of the nervous system and how the patterns of the past show up in and affect our physiology.

The addressing of the patterns of the past that keep us from fully resting in Presence or even from committing to Presence moment by moment often need a deeper and more frequent addressing until some of the challenges still present in the nervous system/ body/ mind come fully to rest.

Usually :) we would go deeper into this area in a longer program but because we are unable to have one right now I want to invite us into this deeper exploration – that is so needed in moving forward with your Practice and your commitment to Presence – in our upcoming day long intensive:

 “What stops your from Presence, Awakening and Freedom Now? ????- a deeper Inquiry into the patterns of the past that affect our ability to Be Here.”

Areas of interest:

  • Nervous system and brain – how the reactivity in the nervous system and brain – fight, flight, freeze, overwhelm, collapse – relates to and affects the mental, physical, and emotional states that we experience.

    “When the Nervous System is in regulation there’s capacity to Be Here and experience / deal with what arises.
    When there is fight, flight, freeze, overwhelm, and so on there is no capacity to Be Here and be present to what arises.”
  • Understanding the difference between a survival strategy and Resting in Presence.
  • Identifying patterns that moment by moment stop you from Being Here. 
  • The power of practice – individual and partner self-Inquiry. 
  • Meditation on completing the past.

I would like you to submit a short -1 page- written homework ahead of this intensive where you describe:

Areas of challenge that you experience around your ability to Be Here and around your functionality in the world.

Please sign up early for this event ! ????so that you have a chance to submit the homework ahead of time – we would need to receive it by Jan 15th.

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copyright © 2021-2022 Neelam - Fire of Truth Satsanga
Our mission: To support the awakening of the individual consciousness into the Oneness of Being.